Daily Update 25 August

Hey guys, sorry I haven’t been posting up any reviews lately…But hey, I’ve got a loads coming right up! I mean my teacher, whose name I’m not mentioning, MR.KELLY, has not been checking my blog lately. How do I know? It because he HAS NOT COMMENTED or given SUGGESTIONS to my blog! Disappointed much………..

Anyway, today, my really,really, really boring family went “walking” as a “Family Outing”. Well this is what happens when you have my family…But hey, we went walking at night! How FUN was that! NOT AT ALL! Man, I wish my parents could bring us on an outing that really has the word “FUN” in it..Like the Fun Park! Wait, that was litteral.

Ah! I should really stop blogging immediately after drinking coffe! Gets me too high!

Did I do anything fun today? Well, the most fun thing I did today was sneeze on my brother. And boy, did that lit my face up! Although it’s disgusting…But funny..A funny-disgusting thing…You know what I mean….

Academic improvements: None, just procrastinating!

Waiting for pencils: What is a duck what tape called? A Duck-Tape!

Lets flip out!

Good bye and peace out homies!

Daily Update: 24 August 2012

Hey guys, its me your favorite blogger! I haven’t been very truthful lately on why I was doing the blog. But now is THE MOMENT OF TRUTH. The reason is…The reason is…This…Is…A…Sch…SCHOOL PROJECT!!!! But anyways, a teacher of mine should have checked my blog, not saying who,ahem..Mr.Kelly, has not been checking my blog as regularly as he should. So stand with me my fellow blog readers and we shall stand against the evil forces of teachers not reading our assignments! I imagine a world where teachers check their student’s blogs regularly. If we all stand together, maybe, just maybe, we can make my dream true! Take the pledge with me:  






Thank you for taking the pledge, it means a lot to me. Any who, its coming to the end of keeping our iPads and tablets and a long long list of electrical devices. It was really exciting to be included in the pilot. I would like to thank Mr.Tan (Our Principle) for allowing my class to use the iPads, Mr.Kelly for letting us enjoy our lessons better with the iPads and Mr.Ansar for no specific reason yet. 

Today in school….Getting bored of this childish sentence…I had 2 test, one on Math and one on Science. I was really pumped up this morning for this test. But I came out exhausted. Kinda sounds like MegaMind, the movie! I start a dark and evil person at dawn and end up a goodie two shoes at dusk…I have now officially forgotten why I was proud to share about MegaMind…Jeez… But anyway, I think I did pretty well for the Maths and Science test today. Now all I can do is wish that I wont be wishing that I studied arder for the test in the near future, confusing, huh? Well thats life whether you like it or not! Just like how a bear has brown fur! It dosen’t want brown fur does it? It was a form of adaptation right? Oh how I wish humans could adapt and have wings to fly in the sky like a bird. Alright, I better sign out, I feeling kinda crazy at this moment. My head is full of random nonsense that I’m not willing too share and humiliate myself any further, so…..Peace out! 

Number 10: Prey 2

The mysterious military-like character we saw on the Game Informer cover is in fact a United States Air Martial aboard a plane that was downed during the alien ship’s appearance in the first game. The two games will follow the same events taking place simultaneously but from different perspective. Apparently the simultaneous plot will diverge after the game’s opening chapter and will take players to an alien planet.

The gameplay of Prey 2 takes place in an open world rather than the straightforward corridors that populated the first title. Players will be able to make use of the walls/debris and obstacles as methods of cover similar to the original Prey. Outside of the cover mechanic we also know that the game will make use of a “scan mechanic” that enables the Air Martial to gain information about his surroundings and enemy NPCs

With all of this information coming out a debut trailer shouldn’t be too far behind. As soon as we have more information about Prey 2 we will bring it to you.

Number 9: Bioshock Infinite

Welcome to the city of Columbia. Floating amongst the clouds, cruising far above sea level, this is a place unlike any you’ve ever seen. Please enjoy your voyage…

The third game in the popular Bioshock series, BioShock Infinite breaks away from the underwater setting of the first two games to take players into a floating city held aloft by dirigibles. The game is set in 1912. You play as Booker DeWitt, a disgraced former private detective who’s picked up a new case. Your goal is to find Elizabeth, a young woman who’s gone missing and return her unharmed. The only problem is that she’s being kept on this flying city. Columbia was once a symbol of America’s success as a nation, floating around the world as a traveling World’s Fair, a marvel of human innovation. But strange things have happened since Columbia’s unveiling in 1900, and now the city has disappeared into the clouds. DeWitt knows how to find it, but over the years stories have been told about Columbia having unlawful heavy armament and deranged citizenry. Do not expect this to be a pleasure cruise.

Number 8: Resident Evil 6

It has been ten years since the Raccoon City incident and the President of the United States has decided to reveal the truth behind what took place in the belief that it will curb the current resurgence in bioterrorist activity. Due to be by the President’s side is his personal friend and Raccoon City survivor, Leon S. Kennedy, but when the venue suffers a bioterrorist attack, Leon is forced to face a President transformed beyond recognition and make his hardest ever decision. At the same time, Bioterrorism Security Assessment Alliance member Chris Redfield arrives in China, itself under threat of a bioterrorist attack. With no country safe from these attacks and the ensuing outbreaks, the entire world’s population is united by a common fear that there is no hope left.

Resident Evil 6 promises yet another dramatic, frightening experience blending action and survival horror. In a first for the franchise, RE 6 sees series favorites Leon and Chris come together to face this unprecedented threat. They are joined by new characters, each with their own unique perspective and involvement, in this relentless outbreak enacted on a global scale.

Number 7: Halo 4

Master Chief returns in Halo 4, part of a new trilogy in the colossal Halo universe.

Set almost five years after the events of Halo 3, Halo 4 takes the series in a new direction and sets the stage for an epic new sci-fi saga, in which the Master Chief returns to confront his destiny and face an ancient evil that threatens the fate of the entire universe. Halo 4 also introduces a new multiplayer offering, called Halo Infinity Multiplayer, that builds off of the Halo franchise’s rich multiplayer history. The hub of the Halo 4 multiplayer experience is the UNSC Infinity – the largest starship in the UNSC fleet that serves as the center of your Spartan career. Here you’ll build your custom Spartan-IV supersoldier, and progress your multiplayer career across all Halo 4 competitive and cooperative game modes.

The Limited Edition includes early access to six Specializations,the UNSC Infinity Briefing Packet, which includes an armor customization schematic, a blueprint of the massive ship itself, and insight into what it means to be one of humanity’s finest warriors: the Spartan-IVs, bonus digital content and access to nine maps – three future competitive multiplayer map packs, each including three locations.

Number 6: Fifa Soccer 13

FIFA 2013 captures all the drama and unpredictability of real-world football. This year, the game creates a true battle for possession across the entire pitch, and delivers freedom and creativity in attack. Driven by five game-changing innovations that revolutionize artificial intelligence, dribbling, ball control and physical play, FIFA 2013 represents the largest and deepest feature set in the history of the franchise.

Number 5: Battlefield 3

The Battlefield 3 expansion pack Armored Kill ups the ante for vehicular mayhem as only Battlefield can do. Featuring new driveable tanks, ATVs, mobile artillery and more, Battlefield 3: Armored Kill also delivers huge battlefields for an all-out vehicle assault, including the biggest map in Battlefield history.

Number 4: Assassin Creed III

“You are Connor, warrior son of a Native American mother and British father. As the colonies draw closer to revolution, you will become the spark that ignites the revolution into a full blaze. Your crusade will lead you through blood-soaked battlefields.
You will not only witness history…you will make it.”
That was said by Ubisoft and what an incredible game this ought to be!