What Time Is It? Poem Time!

Dear secret diary on the internet for everyone to see, I though life was beautiful and free

But I was very wrong and this is because my day was super long!

Oh boy, oh joy!

Oh no! Stress is building up from head to toe!

I blocked from the urban city, where life is full of TV.

I bicycle ride may be fun, but I guess I would rather not for there is blazing sun!

Hurray! It’s going to be the end of a tiring day!

Too kids, I was plum and tall, but the adults thought I was thin and small!

Boy, I wish I grew up big, and maybe even become a sheik!

My day was full of hate, could this be the right date?

Question, questions in my mind, oh, how I wish the world would be more kind!

Now I sit infront of the computer, and it looks like it’s been an hour.

Oh that annoying dusty old brick! I think it’s going to make me sick!

It’s time to log off, and just to let you know, I’m about to cough!

Exam Tips

 @JuliaDrEtro, thanks for letting me know about this. I really do appreciate you doing this.

Alright, my god friend on Twitter has told me about children in her class, as well as herself, are seeming to be weak when it comes to academic performances. Well, here are some tips to really help you out.

1.) Sleeping Early before tests or exams.

– It has been proven that having a good night’s rest can really pump up your brain to do better for your test. Always have a 8 to 9 hours rest before waking up in the morning again. I really recommend  sleeping at about 8 or night o’ clock at night. This is probably THE MOST IMPORTANT thing when it comes to coring in your papers.

2.) Do not put too much pressure on your self.

-This is really important. Pressure is a problem with many kids. Remember, your brain is like a CPU. It cannot witstand all the things you want or desire. But the killer dealer is actually the pressure from teachers, parents, relative and friends. No matter what, it all comes down to you, sitting down on a chair and brainstorming to do well for the paper infront of you. I mean, by trying to please everybody, you will end up pleasing nobody. This is from my personal experience.

-Follow what ONLY YOU believe YOU can do. It’s your life, your future. Aim what you can do (please only make realistic estimates). Follow advise from others, not load yourself to be like their expectations.

3.) Focus in everything you do.

-Near exams? Forget all other unimportant priorities like watching your favorite cartoon or sitcoms. Just push yourself to the limits, even if it is a for a short period of time, but remember to sleep early, don’t work overnight if its the exams or tests.

– Listen to everything your teacher says. I understand that most people are physically present and yet mentally absent in class. Who knows where their minds will be? Mars, Jupiter, hyper-space, fighting Dark-Vader or even flying with the birds in the sky.

-Jolt down notes on you notebook. Make it clear and understandable and quick when your teacher teaches. Write as you listen because you don’t want to blindly copy everything your teacher says.

-Boost focus in class, because there are only a couple of days to your exams! Just FOCUS, FOCUS AND FOCUS! 

4.) Self confidence

– Believe on yourself. Not the opinions of others. Everybody is talented, one way or another, but academics is very important if you want drive an awesome sports car and live in your dream house in the future. 

5.) Setting Targets

– As explained earlier, make realistic targets that you may beat.

-Aim higher and score better.

6.) Praying to god for help and retrieving blessings from others

-This is to boost your motivation chamber.

– We never know if it helps or not, but why take risks? My as well just do it!

7.) Don’t fall for evil tricks or distractions.

– If you are a smoker or a druggy, now is the time to stop. That will never help you. You need your brain to be on its best performance on the exam day.


The thing about friendship is that it usually affects your grades, especially leader friendship. I call it leader friendship because in this group of friends, there is like a head or leader that is very attention seeking and pulls you to a friendship you never wanted in the first place. They will influence you on doing things that your mind wants to do. Such examples would be asking you to complete games at home. But what you don’t know is that the clan leaders are studying like crazy in their homes. No, you do not break friendships with them, just know your own timetable, not the timetable made for you.

The next are the dominating group of friends. They are the really cunning ones who seem pretty helpless at times. This works when they ‘overdo’ the praising. By say things like “Wow! You’re really good at this!” or “You are really really smart. I wish I were as smart as you,” more then the should, the boost your self esteem to much and you become, OVERCONFIDENT. This is bad. When you are overconfident, you tend to study less and relax more. Remember to thank them for their comments, but remember not to take in to account these praises as they are probably just to take you down.

8.) Studying at the right time

– Remember, at night, before you sleep, revise everything you have learnt in the day, for example, if you had learnt algebra during the day, sit down at night to revise for a brief 10 to 20 minutes, depending on how much you have covered during the day.  

-Morning is the best time to study. I mean 4 a.m to 6 a.m. Gravity is lowest at time of the day and the air is super fresh, this means that your body gets all it needs to study well. Also keep well hydrated and well-fed.

-Do your homework during the day, not in the morning or at night!

8.) Find a conducive environment to study and also be well-fed and hydrated.

-Food provides energy, water provides a refreshing feeling and a conducive environment provides a comfortable study area.

That’s it from me for today, goodnight and study hard!

My Favorite Playlist?

Well, I have goteen a lot of tweets lately, asking me and scolding me. OK, lets settle this this. Yes I obviously knew Battlefield 3 was released. But I’m sorry anyways. My aims amplified on the DLC content that will be uploaded in the future games. So um…I was pretty crazy for posting that up. This is for Z0MBIESSMASH322 on twitter. And for    HarrysDimples, this is the playlist I often listen to, hope you like it!

10.)Burn It Down by Linkin Park

– This song has a lot of feel in it. It shows how life provides you with suffering for you. And you have to overcome them by gathering all the courage you got, truly inspirational.

9.) Pay-phone by Maroon 5 ft. Whiz Kalifa. (Explicit language)

-Contains inappropriate language for children!

-Describes the emotions of one who has gone through a lot. The music video makes no sense so you can search the clean lyric video of the song or listen to great covers. I will post up links in the future.

8.) Who’s laughing now? by Jessie J 

-Very strong and inspirational song with humor 

7.)Chasing the sun by The Wanted

– Great solo song to hear although the music video is ridiculous. 

6.)Pain by 3 Days Grace

-Really deep and moving song. Most people feel a lot of power when they listen to this song, truly staggering.

5.) Unbreakable by FireFlight

– Similar to Pain by 3 Days Grace. Very deep and moving

4.)Going Under by Evanescence 

-Very deep song. SHe expresses all the hatred and love she has for the man she has in life. Some people may people may be frightened by the dark lyrics, its really goth but super powerful

3.) How to Save A Life by The Fray

-LIves of children how have been shattered. Very emotional. Teachers many life lessons to us. Really deep and awesome song.

2.) Stronger by Kelly Clarkson 

-A very powerful song about separation.

1.) Hall of Fame by THe Script and Will.I.Am 

-Super awesome, deep, inspiring song for all ages. My main motivation.

Bonus Tracks

Battlefield by Jordan Sparks

Karma by Alicia Keys

Elevate by Big Time Rush

Keeping Secrets from Kicking Daisies

I threw on the ground by Th Lonely Island

Thats it for tonight, goodnight and keep your tweets coming! 

A Book Review too?

Gosh, I’ve read tons of books since the holidays since my English Language teacher advised me to start reading novels. And so I started this habit over the holidays and I’m pretty much addicted to reading nowadays… 

But here is the deal, I will complete the final book of the “Gone” series by Michael Grant and get back to you about the book reviews, OK? Till then, stay tuned.


Burn It Down by Linkin Park (No Explicit Language)

The cycle repeated
as explosions broke in the sky
all that I needed
was the one thing I couldn’t find

And you were there at the turn
Waiting to let me know

We’re building it up
To break it back down
We’re building it up
To burn it down
We can’t wait
To burn it to the ground

The colors conflicted
as the flames climbed into the clouds
I wanted to fix this / but
couldn’t stop from tearing it down

And you were caught at the turn
caught in the burning glow
And I was there at the turn
Waiting to let you know

You told me yes / You held me high
And I believed when you told that lie
I played that soldier / You played king
And struck me down when I kissed that ring
You lost that right / to hold that crown
I built you up but you let me down
so when you fall / I’ll take my turn
and fan the flames as your blazes burn

That was the lyrics of the song. The music video says very little about the song’s lyrics, so allow me to explain…
Well, by now you would have guessed that this song is about people who have been oppressed in their life’s many times. They decided to give up in life. They decide to leave it all behind again. But they will soon realize to to over come their fears, hates, enemies or whatever it is that has devastated the person. That took life to the next level. The “Built it up” to show they are no longer scared. No longer the shadow. No longer offended. And they “Burned it down”. This shows all the anger that they had developed over the years of depression. They are releasing it, like making a huge comeback after some accident of some sort. It’s like the ‘Who’s laughing now’ kinda thing that people use. Really deep stuff. But, you know, that’s life and you can’t do anything about it. Even if you want to help someone or maybe even yourself!
SO keep tuned to your favorite blogger!

Not So Daily Update: 30th August 2012

Hello my fellow humans, how is your life? Good or bad?

Hey guys, I’m really messed up about todays maths exam and I wasn’t able to post because I had to study for Maths and Geography exams, sorry. But I have worked really hard on my exams and I’m really pumped and anxious about my results.

Daily home life, well today…ABSOLUTELY NOTHING HAPPENED! Just my sister waking up late for her tuition, picking fights with my brother and eating grapes…

Today’s awesome school day, it was a fun day picking quarrels about what to do and what no to do with my friends. I’m planning on bringing my brother to watch the movie Paranorman with my brother tomorrow (1 October 2012). But wait! Tomorrow is teachers day! This means visiting my old school to show appreciation for my old teachers, leaders and principals. I just can’t wait to visit them with my friends. Plus my brother is studying in my old school! So I can just pick him up on the way and watch Paranorman together! But lets get back to today… The entire day was fine till the last 5 minutes. A boy in my class woke up vigorously after a teacher of mine had scolded him. The boy from my class started screaming his lungs out, obviously put off by the teachers anger. He started to scream, “HAVE YOU HAD ENOUGH OF SCOLDING ME EVERYDAY?” continuously. The teacher decided to back off when he realized the boy was emotionally broken. I’ve known the boy since I was 9 years old. We studied together in the same school before both of us got transferred. He has always been sensitive. Messing with his feeling is wrong but standing up in class and scolding the teacher? That’s wrong. One thing I’ve learned is that we should never ever toy with other people’s feelings.

I’m your host for tonight and peace out!

Daily Update: 26 August

Oh my god! I’ve just had the most boring day of my life! And guess whose fault it is, my family! Seriously, will they ever start bring my siblings and I out of this house?! Gosh. Anyway, as described, I hardly did anything fun today, but I’m am willing to share about my family. 

In my point of view, there are 4 different types of families. 





My family is somewhat like number 2. Except we have been given timings for using our devices…Yup, I pity myself too… I don;t care about my freedom at all! I care about spending time with my family! Ever seen those happy families in a shop, eating dinner almost every week end? I haven’t! Why, I hardly leave the house to see the outside world! I rely on the amazing Internet to bring me across the globe! Why can’t my family just spend more time together? My father, being a businessman, travels and only returns for 1 week in every 1-3 months! And what does he do with the time he has in our country? He goes out with his business partners for dinners! When it comes to spending time, we go for a walk inn the park! At night! My mom is super possessive. When I get permission to play my consoles, she starts to distract me and says all kind of mean and hurtful things sided with nonsense, just to get me of the game in 20 minutes! My sister is like a lone wolf. Always in her room, locked up. My brother is super violent! he thrashes me for no apparent reason every hour of everyday! Even tough my home life is pretty bad, I still love em. No matter what, nothing can change how I feel about them.

I even wrote a story! But till now, no one in my family has bothered to read yet!


Please read it and brighten up my day!

Zombies spread love to video gamers such as myself

When you play games, what do you look forward too? We look foreword to get thrilled while playing. And what can be more thrilling then an epic war between the 2 strongest armies? Seriously what? ZOMBIES! Of course, through the post’s title, you would have learned that this post is about ZOMBIES! Lets see, there are many different zombie games out there. But which game has the X ZOMBIES! Factor in them? I will be posting my most anticipated zombie games! All in one post! 

Ok, ready for a of a journey to the undead games?

Number 3: The Last of Us


Yes, this is my favorite game. Even my blog was named after this! But what makes its zombies so interesting? Well, the zombies in this game, are infected by a real type of fungus. This fungus grows on ants that eat the fungus. It’s utterly disgusting but it was brilliant how it was spread to the humans. Not everyone turned into a zombie of cause, by the way, if they did, the game would not be fun at all, some of them are still unaffected. But what I love about this zombie mode in the game is that it is 3rd person user interface when killing zombies. This way, you get a much better description on how the user feels when playing against the computerized zombies. Also, the game is extremely interactive with the characters surroundings.Also, playing as Joel, the man, Ellie is like a sidekick. She dosent seem to get in the way of your rampage, but you practically can’t survive without her! She can assit you when you are out of ammo and at many more times! You could pick up bricks from any part of the road, jump and run on almost everything that you could assess! This made the player, feel more into the game when playing. The super realistic feeling, in my opinion, is the X ZOMBIES! Factor! But if my favorite game got 3rd place in the Zombies! Review, guess how much cooler the other games would be…

Number 2: Left For Dead Franchise 

AH! Left for Dead 1 & 2, classic! They may be old, but still out there to dominate!


Left 4 Dead 1 & 2 were classical zombie killing games. The graphics were great and the UI (User Interface) was good as well. Left for Dead 2 was released when the uproar fans demanding a sequel to Left 4 Dead 1, Valve, the creators of Left 4 Dead released Left 4 Dead 2 in less then a year! The storyline was fantastic! Running around killing zombies is practically the main point. But what I love is that your’e not alone in the world. You have 3 other team mates with you! Sadly, each of them as their own deal with zombies and killing is their thing. So whenever there is one zombie left, hundreds of bullets will be flying towards it! But the choice of weapon and the storyline leading to the strong bonding relationship between all four characters is the X ZOMBIES! FACTOR in this game. ALso, rumors about Left 4 Dead 3 is being released by Valve. So expect a new up-coming phenomena from Valve in the near future.

Number 1: Call of Duty: Black Ops 2

Call of Duty’s latest franchise, Black Ops 2!


Great things come in small packages they say, and it was indeed true when Call of Duty World at War and Black Ops 1 zombies mode came out. All you had to do was survive endless hordes of blood thirsty zombies with a team of 4 at maximum and with guns and grenades and all sorts of cool weapons like the Ray Gun or Thunder Gun!


Treyarch has confirmed that the Zombies mode will return for Black Ops II with its own campaign! I mean a storyline for zombies? That’s off the hook! Although very little information has been released ( Activision and Treyarch refuse to spoil the fun for zombie slayers in the near future), I am proud to say that zombies has increased from 2 to 4 players to 2 to 8 players! Bound to return with that FPV shooting ( First Person View), this game is a must-buy! The new storyline, zombie blasting, giant maps and new weapons are THE X ZOMBIES! Factors! To great for just one factor!

Image Its worth the wait!